Creepy chalk art for the launch of Doctor Sleep Movie

Undertow Media approached Chalk Advertising to complete a chalk art board for their Doctor Sleep Movie Premiere night at Sylvia Park. We were so excited to jump right in after watching the trailer and being reminded of ‘The Shining’ that some of us watched nearly two decades ago. ‘Redrum’ the word used in the novel … Read more

Kohimarama School Fundraiser Wins 3rd Place

I had the privilege of being invited to assist Kohimarama School in overseeing the design and painting of a mural for the Resene Mural Masterpieces Competition. First step was to interview the students for ideas of what the school meant to them. The feedback was then used to compile relevant themes for the mural design … Read more

British Airways selfie competition

British Airways was running a competition that was part of a marketing campaign. To enter the competition, people had to take a selfie of themselves in front of their preferred destination and post it on twitter. The winning prize was two club tickets to the destination in your selfie. We were tasked to create a … Read more